We have 2 cemeteries: Our Presbyterian Cemetery is located at the main church property. For information contact Nancy Pratt, Secretary/Treasurer at 570-549-8136, cell 570-239-3320 or dnpratt@juno.com.
Our Baptist Cemetery is located on Baptist Hill Road at the site where the Baptist Church was burned in 1991 when it was struck by lightning. For information about this cemetery contact Katy Vitarius at cell 607-331-3596 (call or text), landline 570-537-6600 or vitariuskm25@gmail.com.
Correspondence may also be mailed to Nancy or Katy at the church address: 3028 Hickory Road, Columbia Cross Roads, PA 16914.
Also for detailed information on our cemeteries (or any other cemetery anywhere), check out the website www.findagrave.com and you will be amazed at the information that is out there!